
Wednesday, 21 January 2015

All about me!


Since having my daughter I have developed a slight obsession with blogs, particularly mummy blogs. Not the kind that are full of 'here is what you should be doing with your child' stuff, nor the ones that gloss over the crap times and are full of posts of ''perfect'' parenting and children. No, I am particularly fond of the ones that are honest about bringing up a child, that tell it like it is, warts and all. Of course there are wonderful times when your child does something fabulous and life is great. But in the times when life wasn't so great and I was in fact struggling to adjust to life as a mum, it was these blogs that helped me and made me realise I am not alone.
So this is has led me to starting my own. I don't anticipate it to be as great as some of the ones I have been following, I'm not particularly witty or humorous, I just want to share my daily struggles of being a parent with you all, in the hope that just like me, you will realise that you are not alone!

I hope that makes sense.

A perfect match...
So anyway, I am Michelle. I am a 25 year old first time mum to my daughter Betsy, who is 14 months, and (a fabulous) fiancée to Ashley. We are getting married this December, eek! I live in a small town in Somerset, which is home to an obscene amount of charity shops and takeaways. I don't drive, which makes living in a small town with a small child quite an ordeal. I rely heavily on my amazing mother in law to ferry us about, otherwise I can mostly be seen trudging down the road trying to push my beloved blindingly bright pink pram with one hand as I use the other to shove Quavers into my dear daughters mouth to stop her howling in protest of being in her pram. I work part time as a support worker for adults with learning disabilities. I have an irrational phobia of spiders and pitted olives.
My beloved pram. And Betsy.

So that's me. I will blog hopefully a couple of times a week, although its unlikely my sprog will allow this to happen, so we'll see. I am about as good on a computer as a spoon would be attempting open a tin, so bare with me.



  1. Replies
    1. Great blog Michelle. It is hard bringing up a child, where has our freedom gone ? But I would do anything for my little boy, who was 1 1/2 today. You're a great mum x Love Justin.
