
Saturday, 21 March 2015

Lost in the bloggersphere!

So just recently I have gotten a little lost. A little overwhelmed. My to do list for my blog has gotten out of control.

The list of general things I need to do; finish the half written posts in my drafts, reply to comments on my blog, comment on other blogs, join in with linky's, ... there is such as lot I am behind with. I love doing my blog, but slowly I have become a bit bogged down with the amount of things I need to keep on top of. I just can never find the time to do any of it. It doesn't help that I am a huge procrastinator. I find myself switching on my laptop with all the best intentions, whipping out my lovely blog notebook and then coming face to face with the dreaded never ending to do list. And feeling defeated. Each time I look at that thing I add about 5 more to do's to it. And I never seem to cross any off of it.

There is so much I want to do with my actual blog. I want to get my own domain. I want to install all those little buttony things for instagram and Facebook and the like. I desperately want to self host. I want to redesign my blog. I want to create a blog badge. The list goes on. And to a large majority of people reading this, it is all probably relatively easy to do. Not for me. I have no clue how to do any of it. I have scoured the internet for websites to help with it. I have scoured blogs for posts related to it all. There is so much out there that explains it all so easily, but my simple little mind just cannot understand anything. I am so baffled by all things computer. I have been blogging for 3 months, yet I still feel as clueless as I did the first time I hit that publish button.

I am a bit crap with social media too. My Pinterest page may as well not even exist. My poor old Facebook page that I was so excited about setting up is unbelievably neglected. I feel like I spend so so much time on Twitter, yet never get anywhere. Never read even half of the blog posts and tweets that are on there. I just get lost in it all. I ignore poor old Ashley every single night as I am desperately trying to catch up on everything, catch up on my never ending to do list. But I never get anywhere.

I feel so silly and disappointed in myself. I love my blog so much, and by no means do I want to stop doing it. I do just wonder whether I am biting off more then I can chew...? Anyone else experienced this?

I apologise for the whininess of this post!

Sad face.


  1. I get like this about a lot of areas in my life. I'm overwhelmed by so many bits I want to do I'm like forget it pass the mini eggs. Luckily my bloke is super organised so he can give me a kick. He always tells me to do the worst first :)

    1. I'm the same, everything overwhelms me! Taken a bit of a step back from the blog over the last week, feel much better now! Good advice :) xxx

  2. I know EXACTLY how you feel, lol! It's a never-ending world in blogosphere (just discovered that word)! I think you just have to do everything at your own pace and not spend too much time worrying (about time ironically) like I have been doing recently! I haven't been blogging too long either, 6 months and some of the bigger blogs have been running for years so I guess we have a lot of time to learn & catch up. Love your pic :)

    1. This is such good advice, I need to remember to do this! We do have a long time to learn. I have taken a bit of a break from my blogging for the last week, feel much better now :) xxx

  3. It's just do much to learn. I'm still trying to figure most of it out! :) If you figure out how to create a badge let me know lol

  4. I completely understand. I 've had to give myself a firm talking too actually and remember that my blog is a hobby and I should not prioritise it over my life. It doesn't matter if a recent post didn't get many views, my blog is for me. I really like the quote 'don't compare your beginning to someone else's middle!' I also have a massive to do list. All the bits you mention took me hours of fiddling and frustration as my poor husband watched tv. I'm really torn between wanting to write but knowing I ought to be promoting my blog. If it helps whenever I see you on twitter I think you seem like you know what you are doing whilst I stumble around blindly. Have you read this blog about blogging it may make your list longer but I do find it helpful!

    I really enjoy reading your blog- you are so honest and that's what keeps me reading I think. But maybe you need to step back from promoting and just enjoy writing for a couple of weeks?

    1. Fab advice lovey. You are so right, i need to remember it IS a hobby. I have taken a bit of time away from my blog, and drafted some blog posts in my little blogging notebook, feel a lot better. I just get so overwhelmed so easily. Thank you for commenting xx

  5. I know how you feel, I had no internet last week so have a huge backlog to get through wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

    Cant wait to explore your blog and follow your journey, Becky xx

    1. Ah no what a nightmare! Hope you are caught up now :) Thank you! xxx

  6. If you can just try focusing on one thing at a time! I know it's easier said then done! I don't know how to add any of that to my blog either!

    1. Thank you, i have done taken a step back and tried to do that, feel a lot better about it now :) xx
