
Sunday, 15 March 2015

Mother's (in law) Day

This is my mother in law, Pauline.

She is fabulous.

I owe such a lot to this amazing lady. I would be totally lost without her. I feel like I don't thank her enough for all of the things she does for me.

The little things that she probably doesn't even think about. Collecting loads of washing for me to dry at her house because there is no room at ours. Having Betsy for me so that I can go to work. Doing bits around the house for me. Ferrying me and Betsy about, me to work, us to baby groups, appointments. So many things that she probably doesn't even really think about, but make me so utterly grateful.

She is always there for me. I know she is always at the end of the phone should I ever need her. I know I am always welcome round her house. Which on bad days when my depression hits and I cant face doing anything, is such a relief. It is so nice to be able to spend time with her and Ashley's nan who lives with her and who is also lovely (We have spent many an afternoon watching deal or no deal together and wondering why on earth the bankers offer wasn't accepted!!). I know she will always be there. I know she understands me. She gets that there are some things that I struggle with. She doesn't make me feel silly or awkward about any of it. She doesn't judge me, or think badly of me for needing time away from my daughter some days. She reassures me, she reminds me that I am Betsy's mother and that I know what I am doing, on days when I feel like I don't. She has gotten me through so many tough times with Betsy, and continues to, just by being there. The days when Ashley is at work are so long, and I have no idea how I would have managed to reach the end of so many of them without her support.

She has such a beautiful relationship with Betsy. They completely idolize each other. Betsy shrieks with excitement when she see's her Nanny. I feel so lucky to have such a wonderful person playing such a huge part of my daughter's life. It is so relieving to know that I can leave Betsy with her Nanny whenever I need to and not for one second worry about her, because I know for certain she is the most safest hands possible.

She is my absolute inspiration. If I am half the mother to Betsy that she is to Ashley and his sister, then I'm doing alright. I will forever be grateful to her for everything she has done for me and everything she is yet to do for me.
Potty Mouthed Mummy


  1. Your so lucky to have such a lovely mother-in-law! Mine is evil :(
    I'm so envious that you have a lovely relationship and bond with yours. It must be reassuring having the support there and the company.
    Lovey post x

    1. Ah I am so lucky, she is lovely. My friend has an awful mother in law, always makes me so grateful for mine! Thank u lovey xxx

  2. Well this is beautiful. So nice to read about someone having such a positive relationship with their mother in law. Thank you so much for linking to #countluckystars xxx

    1. Ah thank u. I think I am definitely in the minority having such a fab relationship with my mother in law! Thank u for hosting :) #countluckystars xx

  3. I love this! I too have a mother in law I can rely on and know would be with me in a shot if I needed her. So lucky and your mother in law sounds amazing xx

    1. Ah we are so lucky aren't we! I'd be lost without her :) xxx

  4. Gosh how lovely! I hope that she reads this and realises how much of an inspiration she is to you.
