I have been tagged by the lovely Motherhood The Real Deal to produce an A-Z of Me. Which i found surprisingly easy! Enjoy..
A is for Ashley
The man i am marrying, Betsy's Daddy, my rock!
B is for Betsy
My frustrating, irritating, whiney but beautiful girl. The love of my life.
C is for Clumsy
I am the most clumsiest person. This is fact. Just the other day i stood up from the sofa, barefooted, and in a spectacular fashion slide across the carpet landing on my knee which was bruised and carpet burnt as a result.
D is for Depression (and anxiety)
A massive rubbishy part of my life.
E is for Eating
I love to eat, i am at my most happiest when i am eating. Especially if it is chocolate.
F is for Flowers
I love having flowers bought for me. Luckily Ashley seems to like buying them for me too!
G is for Glasses
I am shockingly short sighted without them!
H is for Housework
I absolutely despise it, which is plain to see the second you step into my house!
I is for In-laws
I have the loveliest in laws ever. I feel very very lucky!
J is for Jelly
I try my hardest to like it but i just don't. And it makes me so sad!
K is for Kitchen roll
Bit of an odd one, but i get through an alarming amount of kitchen roll. I use it for everything in the kitchen.
L is for Labour
I hate the think/talk about it, i don't care what anyone tells me, i will never forget about that!
M is for Migraines
I have awful awful migraines, i hate them so much!
N is for Notebooks
I love notebooks. I am very old fashioned in that i prefer writing something down on paper then typing it into my phone etc.
O is for Organisation
I am shocking at being organised. I like to think i am amazing, but i'm really not.
P is for Phone
It is always with me, i rely on it a ridiculous amount!
Q is for Quavers
Since having Betsy i am never far from a bag of them!
R is for Reading
I love reading, i used to read such a lot when i was younger but, apart from blogs, i rarely read anything now! I would love to start again.
S is for Sponge
Sponge is one of my favourite words. It is just such a good word. Sponge.
T is for Tea
I love a good cup of tea, it solves everything.
U is for Umbrella
I once had one shut on my head in front of everyone at a crossing. I am always wary of them now!
V is for Vaseline
This stuff is magic. It can be used for so many things, from sorting out unruly eyebrows to getting a too tight ring off of your finger!
W is for Wedding
Mine will be taking place in December!!
X is for Xylophone
I'll be honest, i really couldn't think of anything for X. It's a tricky word! Although i did buy Betsy one for Christmas, so actually it could work...?
Y is for YouTube
This has saved my life so many times. In the night garden, Baby Jake, Mr Tumble.... The list is endless. I owe so much to this website!
Z is for Zzzz's
I love sleep, but i definitely do not get nowhere near the amount i should. I think i would sacrifice almost anything for sleep.
And that's me!
Now i nominate One of each kind, Mummy in training, Something crunchy mummy, Crafty mama and Mums blind love.